Contrary to the hideous undercurrents now swirling in popular culture against "Political Correctness", I really like the "Seasons Greetings" stuff and the "Happy Holidays" stuff. I think it's much kinder to include people, even us agnostics, in the holiday color, lights and cheer. It's a lot easier on my psyche to make myself be cheerful, than it is to let myself sink into the abyss of, "Another year and I still don't have enough friends or money".
So whatever your persuasion at the Winter Solstice, hope this coming year is your best year ever. Happy Everything, that's going to be my motto this season. And bring on the bowl games, I'm anxious to see Ohio State get stomped into a bowl of mashed buckeyes. (My rabbit ears are up) Heh heh.
So whatever your persuasion at the Winter Solstice, hope this coming year is your best year ever. Happy Everything, that's going to be my motto this season. And bring on the bowl games, I'm anxious to see Ohio State get stomped into a bowl of mashed buckeyes. (My rabbit ears are up) Heh heh.
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